Understanding Cyclones

Today I had a lengthy discussion with one of my engineering batchmates about how deforestation has increased the impact Cyclone Phailin would have on Odisha and other part of India on the eastern coast. It made me realise just how we never cared to understand and/or remember the Geography lessons imparted to us in probably class 5 or 6 (about pressure areas and the Coriolis Effect) and nor do we take the effort to research and understand the circumstances instead adopting propaganda driven opinions from media and social vehicles like FB and Twitter. It also gave me the idea for this blog post where I will try to put together at kind of Cyclone 101 for people to understand. Please note I am NOT a meteorologist or even a weather expert. I am just an ordinary guy who cares to form his own opinions rather than blindly adopt somebody else’s. I encourage you all to read and research more and definitely comment on the post and correct me if I am factually wrong in any way.

So, to understand the impact of cyclones, we first need to understand how and why cyclones form.